The Key Pantone Color Shades that will sell best

Go soft for the best of Pinks. The best Pinks are actually the softer shades. Peachy Keen, and Mahogany Rose and Rose Dawn are the favorite light options. Darker shades of Pink such as Deco Rose are the best darker options. When comparing pink on tops/ bottoms/ outerwear categories, Pinks will always perform better on tops (+6%), than bottoms (+1%) or outerwear (-7%). Activewear is also a strong category for Pinks, especially in sports-bras. If you wish to place Pinks in A/W collections, avoid bottoms, and nail it on pullovers or sweaters. You know the top colors but don't you wish you knew exactly which Pantones you should go for? Which are the Key Shades Consumers Love Most? 20 pages of inspirational data on the Key Pantone Shades in the Basic Timeless Color Palette to answer all your questions.
Julie Evans
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